Tuesday, May 01, 2007


People, for years, have argued over the definition of love and the differences between the types. I, for one, have only ever thought of it in 3 segments.

1) The love you have and hold in your heart for relatives and family. Typically, this is an unconditional love and it usually doesnt have limits.

2) Then there is the love that you have for friends and some 'significant' others.
Typically, this is the "I love you" trend we witness on a day to day basis which usually leaves us questioning it's amount and the basis behind it. (The what have they done for me? love)

3) Last but not least, the infamous "IN" love, love. Now this is the "I might want to marry you" type of love. The "I can see my future with you, and you alone" love. It's the love that people seek out and look for, when really, it does in all honesty, come to you when you least expect it. It's the UNCONDITIONAL love that speaks in volumes, even in silence, with just a smile.

I have type 3. I'm lucky. I'm accepting the fact of just how lucky I am. Even though, I honestly don't understand how people can put limitations or definitions on such a thing as love. But then again, I'm as hypopcritical as they come when it comes to love. A walking contradiction, so to speak.

But, I'm happy. He makes me feel happier than I could have ever imagined.
I'm a beliver again. I believe love is real, not a falacy, and I embrace it with open arms.

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