Sunday, November 12, 2006


sleeping is overated.

i've learned that the less sleep you get, the more productive you can be..

you can refold clothes at 2am because they just didnt look right..

you can get rid of socks at 4am, because you feel the need..

or baking brownies at 6am because you're fidgety..

even walking the neighborhood at 8am because you wanted to cry without anyone looking..

yeah, life is fucking perfect.

then, last night Steph informs me that someone asked if she and I were a 'couple', and was under the impression that we're lesbians.. because we had a picture up of us "kissing"..

uh, hello?! McFly?! Theres nothing wrong with getting tipsy and sharing a kiss with a chick, hey.. it's hot and junk.. depending on the chick.. but honestly.. the mere thought of well.. gah..

I don't fucking lick kat, kthx.

some people are fucking dolts.. end of story.

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