Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I'm sick, really sick. It's starting all over again.

First the sleepless nights, the restless and irritable days, then the tense, sheer pain in my chest.
Next it'll be continuous visits to the cardiologist, numerous tests and a holter monitor for 48 hours.
I hate having heart problems, especially one they can't control. So, why they bother is beyond me.
I think they just like making me stress more by constantly having me awaiting results, even when I'm not supposed to be stressing, dolts.

I just want to curl up and die.
No one can possibly understand how wonderful that would be.
No more DR's, no more pain, no more tests or worried frenzies about job issues.
Just peace and serenity.

Again, someone apparently hates me, because I'm fated to just deal with the pain and be miserable. Bleh.

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