Sunday, December 10, 2006


I'm highly upset and downright pissed off and hurt.

YOU make an ATTEMPT/EFFORT to call me more? And that is supposed to make me feel better? And feel worth it? You know what that statement made me feel? Like I'm being appeased because I once upon a time stated that I felt like you were avoiding me and didnt want to talk to me. So now, NOW you have to make an effort and attempt to call more. NOT because you miss me, or YOU WANT TO, but because, simply, you feel the 'need' to. FUCK YOU.

Maybe when you figure out what it is I want or need, or what it is you want or need, and can apply both of those to what it is WE need, then you'll figure out why I feel the way I do.

I can't even end our relationship, because quite simply, we don't have one.

You made that clear on several occasions,. and you were right.

I'm done running into that wall you've erected, only causing me to build mine back up. I'm done feeling like I need to constantly drop hints for more affection and attention, and only then, will you appease me by doing so, like it's a chore. I'm done feeling guilty for the actions of others that cause you to be jealous. I'm done.

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