Tuesday, March 13, 2007


i'm sick.. lethargic would be better, but right now, we'll just say sick..
i slept about 9 hours, on and off, but still, slept.. and here i sit, as though i didn't sleep AT ALL..

my mouth is dry and my throat is all yuck and feels swollen on the inside..
i have post nasal drip and my voice sounds horrid.. (all of this i'm sure you just LOVE reading)..
my tummy is all in knots and everything i ingest, including water, makes me want to vomit..

everytime i turn around, i have a fucking cold or something..
i know because of my heart my immune system is out of wack..
but this, this is unFUCKINGreal already..

i'd so pay someone to kill me right now..

but really, i sometimes think i like living my life miserable and negative..

and off to work i go..

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