Monday, December 25, 2006


Merry fucking Christmas.


Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you.
Thank you, thank you for being good at picking up pieces.
Even if it takes a 9 hour phonecall, a lot of venting, and a few neverminds.
Among the dysfunction and tears, you made me smile.
I love you.

I'm hurting, I don't even think I could honestly begin to explain how it is I feel. There are no words for the pain that is radiating through my chest and running amuck in my head. I've yet to sleep. I can't even fathom eating anything, and my family will be arriving shortly. I want to take anything I can to forget you. I want you gone. If I could rip you from my heart and memories, I would do so in an instant. I never wanted to be numb so badly in my life. I'm angry, I'm shocked, I'm fucking annoyed. I hate that I allowed you to manipulate me into believing you loved me. If and when you love someone, you don't lie to them. YOU don't hurt them as much as you've done to me. YOU try anything in your power to salvage what you have. All you wanted was everything, and now, I don't feel that your 'everything' included me. How could it have? When you openly admit to someone that you'd have felt the same way as they did? Oh, but I forgot, we were just 'friends'. So really, I've nothing to be upset about, I'm use to losing 'friends'. So now you've all the time in the world to go be with your other 'friend'. You both deserve one another. So keep telling me I don't have any idea as to what relationship you both have. It was made clear to me in a matter of moments. I'm not a moron.

You were the death of me. I hope you're happy.

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